SHOCK AND AWE…A Mother’s Work

I came home last night, got comfy and settled, ready to watch the final episode of season 6 Sons of Anarchy. I did my best to not read any social media earlier in the day, but I knew something BIG was going to do down. And I thought I would be ready for whatever the ending was going to be…I was dead wrong. I turned the TV off, with tears in my eyes, and loathing for what I just witnessed. 
I’m still in shock writing this. I feel so much hatred for the events that happened. I was so taken back and I feel like an emotional wreck. Driving to work today my friend called me to see if I had watched the final episode, and so we both ranted, as if we know these people personally, as if their not characters but real people. Hats off to you Mr. Sutter for being the KICK-ASS writer that you are!!
For those living under a rock the last few days, I’m sorry to inform you our beloved Tara is dead. The bitterness I feel is not just because she got killed, rather HOW she was murdered. All season we worried about Tara’s safety, her motives, her feelings for Jax. There’s a scene after Jax tells Tara he will never hurt her, and they’re alone together, and without speaking their honest and raw love for one another comes out. Tara has been and will always be Jax’s true love. I have never been more proud of Jax’s decision to do the right thing, and turn himself in, and protect the love of his life and his children. To be a father and husband first over the club. 
Of course there’s always a twist. That leads us to dear ol’ Gemma. Let me begin by saying that throughout the seasons, I’ve always been a Gemma fan…Not any more. I have pure hatred searing through my veins for her. Killing Tara in the most brutal and gruesome way, I hope she pays dearly for it next season. I hope they hang the bitch!!!! 
This is the beginning of the end…with one more season to go, I hope Jax finds out the truth of what Gemma did to his wife, and to his own father. Most importantly, I hope he finds peace. 

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Kurt Sutter

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This life is a blessing..I travel, I blog, my heart belongs to my family & friends, and refuse to follow the rules...P.S., life is too short to wear boring shoes xoxo