Pre-order Josh Damigo’s New Album on iTunes Today

Remember back in July when I profiled this really cool indie musician, Josh Damigo?

Well, he had finally made a new record… and you can now pre-order it on iTunes… And guess what? It’s ONLY $5!

Hell, you can’t even go to the movies for $5… Hell, you can barely get a gallon of gas with $5… Hell, you can barely get a large Starbucks frap for $5. Oh, my bad… a venti.

Sooooo spend your $5 wisely and pre-order this record. It will definitely last a lot longer and give you more enjoyment then the other stuff…  #joshrocks

Here you go!

“I Will Be There” by Josh Damigo


And, this just in! Josh will be on the radio tonight. Tune in and check him out.


About author(s)


PurpleBrina is a down to earth single mom who loves all things purple, tattoos, bacon, reading, singing, and music is her life. And lets not forget her love for all things SUPERMAN including the man who plays him on the big screen Henry Cavill.