New Music Tuesday – Weezer Album Release Day

Welcome to New Music Tuesday.


credit to Kyle Clothier‎ from the weezer fan club facebook page

Yes, it’s late in the evening but sorry, I was working my real job.

So today, is a day that Weezer fans have been waiting for for 4 long years… That’s right boys and girls – New Weezer Album dropped today! And since my bestie is the BIGGEST Weezer fan I know (She has a tattoo and everything… See? Hardcore.), I am turning the blog over to her.
Hold on tight, because this Wezer fangirl is about to blow up…


It’s here, it’s here, it’s here! It’s finally here!!! After four long years, Weezer has made a new album. “Everything Will Be Alright in the End” released today.

For any Weezer fan, such as myself, it’s been a lonnnnnng time. I’m pretty used to waiting for things and have built up quite an armor of patience, but when they started teasing the new album in their YouTube webisodes back in May (made a playlist of them here, just for you), I got superexcited. I wasn’t able to make it to the Weezer Cruise this year (I WAS there in 2010, though!) so I never got to hear “Back to the Shack” – the album’s first single – until it was formally released in July. Immediate hardcore love. It was like a love letter to fans. All us longtime hardcore fans from ‘way back’. The video came out a week ago. You need to watch it. (here)

What I love about this song, and the entire album (I’ve been listening non-stop all day since it arrived in my inbox. And I’m proud to say, I remained spoiler free this whole time!) is that it is undeniably Weezer’s “sound” but it’s not a repeat of what we already know, nor is it something that makes you wonder what the hell kind of experiment the band is conducting now. It is fun, singable, quirky, relatable, and profound in their signature non-pretentious, unassuming, simple Weezer way.

This is the kind of Weezer album that appeals to the masses. In fact, since I’ve been hassling everyone I know to check it out, one of my friends who was almost entirely unfamiliar with the band for the last 20 years (how does that even happen?!) downloaded the album this morning and is loving it too. She has also been listening all day long. You can’t even imagine how happy this made me – that my longtime loves are still capturing the hearts of new fans… YAY! Way to go, boys.

I also urge YOU to buy the new album. If you’re tight on cash, use the BestBuy coupon to get the album for only $7.99 (here – use coupon code WEEZERSAVE2). I promise it’s worth it. And I also have a lot of music industry reporters backing me up too. (Quote from Karl Koch’s newsletter to the Official Weezer Fanclub: “So far so good, with excellent reviews from Rolling Stone, Consequence Of Sound, and many others, great acoustic performances on Live 105 and KROQ, [and] rocking out worldwide on the iHeartRadio Music Fest.”)

If you need further convincing before getting the album for yourself, Weezer is appearing TONIGHT on Jimmy Kimmel. (half an hour ~ eek!) Watch them. See what I see. Then run out and get the album for yourself (or buy it from iTunes).

Now that I have converted legions of new fans with this fangirl-y post, stalk your new favorite band:


love from, kmah 
(thanks for the spotlight, brina!)



Hmmmm… PurpleBrina here. Guess she was more excited than I expected. I thought it would be a little post… (Wordy bitch, I mean… bestie! I love your words. Lol.)

So go make a Weezer fan happy and pick up this new album. Just see above these words to find the link that best works for you.



About author(s)


PurpleBrina is a down to earth single mom who loves all things purple, tattoos, bacon, reading, singing, and music is her life. And lets not forget her love for all things SUPERMAN including the man who plays him on the big screen Henry Cavill.

Throwback Thursday

Crop tops, stretch pants, gold braided chains, female beatbox… Rapping about half of my coworkers. Lol   J.J. Fad  “Supersonic”