Hugh Jackman’s unlikely birthday bash

The buff Wolverine actor, who turned 45 at the weekend, is hardly known for his skills in musical theatre. So what was he doing tap-dancing and belting out showtunes for an audience of 4,500?

Age: 45.
Appearance: Buff.
You mean he’s yellowish-beige, like an envelope? No, I mean he’s muscular. You know, like a male gymnast, or in his case an Australian action hero who does his own stunts.
From films such as what might I remember him? Oh, tons of stuff. Les Miserables, Australia, The Prestige. He’s probably most famous for playing Wolverine in no fewer than … ooh … wait a minute … Damn, I’ve lost count. Anyway, he has played Wolverine in an awful lot of X-Men movies.
Do you secretly mean a lot of awful X-Men movies? I do not. Jackman has been widely admired for his performances. It’s said that he can invoke fear, pathos and laughter with no more than a subtle contortion of his abdominal muscles.
Blimey. Said by who? Oh, it was probably on the internet somewhere. Not bad for a man who turned 45 at the weekend, eh?
Not bad indeed. How did he celebrate? By killing and devouring a bull with his bare hands? In fact, no. He tap-danced and sang showtunes for charity.
I didn’t see that coming. Ah well, musical theatre was his first love, you see. His breakthrough performance was in Oklahoma! at the National Theatre in London in 1998, and he often returns to the stage.
Yes, but for his birthday? What’s wrong with a lie-in, presents and an expensive dinner? Nothing, and Jackman may have had those too. It’s just that in the evening he also performed One Night Only, a selection of songs, dance routines and stories about his life, for an audience of 4,500 paying customers. One of the songs was a tribute to Deborra-Lee Furness, his wife of 17 years.
OK … At the end he auctioned off an electric Fiat car, a pair of Wolverine’s claws and two sweaty vests he had been wearing for $7,000 each. “This is probably the most narcissistic way to spend your birthday,” he said.
Hard to argue with that. He also raised $1.85m (£1.16m) for the Motion Picture and Television Fund, which supports film and TV professionals in need.
My hero! He’s like the best bits about gay men and straight men all rolled into one! Hard to argue with that either.
Do say: “The show must go on!”
Don’t say: “So for Christmas, I’ll be selling my old pants on television.”

Source: The Guardian

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Hugh Jackman

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Jenn is a Book Lover, Fangirl, Daniel Cudmore's Number one Fan, and Ricky Whittle connoisseur and the "chairwoman" of #TheWhittleExperience. Co-Owner of When not found traveling to and from NYC (my home, my heart), reading, or writing on one of the several sites she owns, she's usually on Tumblr stalking Ricky Whittle gifs and scouring the Internet for more goodies on Dan. Jenn is also a budding artist and has her own studio where she creates some fandom made goodies. Follow her on Twitter, & Instagram.