“For Better or For Worse” 06.23 – Castle

Wow. It has taken me a few days to wrap my head and heart around the reality of what happened Monday night.

As far as finale purposes, “For Better or For Worse” achieved exactly what it’s intended purpose was. It was entertaining, emotional, and divisive, and it most certainly has whetted my appetite for Season 7. 


This is the significantly abbreviated version  of this

Gif Credit to tumblr user ginalways

I have taken issue with the premises of this episode, especially coupled with the comments made by show runner, Andrew Marlowe. The “Kate being married” story line, went against the character’s own well established back story. Now I am not saying that Kate being married before makes her “damaged goods”, but it does break down the “one and done” philosophy that Kate has been seemingly espoused to. I know that their is a huge difference between a wedding and a marriage, but this deviation in character was a disheartening wrench that was thrown in just to create controversy. In addition to this, it made Kate seem dumb. Kate has been proven time and time again as the furthest thing from dumb. The fact that the daughter of brilliant lawyers, and an impressive mind in her own right never thought to question if in fact the wedding was legally binding is not canon I can wrap my head around. If even a doofus like O’Leary knew he’s had a coma wife this entire time, Kate would have had to question it at some point. Which brings me to another lovely facet of this plothole. Kate works for the NYPD and previously for the AG’s office, if a simple check at the county clerk can bring up Rogan, how is it that a husband who has impersonated a Federal Officer has never made a system hit? She’s been in danger enough times to make contacting her next of kin commonplace. Marlowe has been quoted saying he did it to “level the moral playing field”, not sure that intentionally trying to cause damage to a beautifully flawed character was the best idea. Kate has concealed the truth, gone on personal vendettas, outright lied, lost herself in a bottle, used her past as a weapon against her future, denied, fought, and came back from PTSD, and Marlowe still needs to bring her down a notch? To add to this list, if Kate and Rick were a couple that “kept score” then they have no reason to be getting married in the first place.  

But onto the rest of the episode, Rogan was the affable roguish character that I love to hate! I loved the addition of him to her backstory minus the wedding. We’ve been offered the little glimpses into the world of “RebelBex” but this episode really explored just how rebellious Kate was, and how much losing her mom affected her into becoming the person that she is. The mob tie in was also a predictable, but laughable addition to the chaos that ensued from Kate and Rick just trying to have a quiet and calm wedding. 

As much as the last scene felt like a physical punch in the gut, it plays into the cliffhangers we have always gotten out of Marlowe for season enders. I’ve seen several theories about what exactly happened to Castle, because we know he’s not dead. These have ranged from mob hit, to his dad being involved, to 3xk and I for one am really excited to see who has had it right all along!

As much as I didn’t like this episode there were some definite highlights. 

The scoring, as always Robert Duncan did an amazing job of drawing us into the story. His accompaniment works with the scene exactly as intended, with the ability to make you feel what is happening on such a deeper level. 

Alexis and Martha were such lifesavers and amazing characters! From Alexis to the rescue to Kate’s moment with Martha, Susan and Molly definitely were my favorites this episode! The earrings; what a touching exchange with Kate, and I loved the visual throwback to having a mother in the mirror sharing in this with her. Martha has been Kate’s stand in mother for long before she was a potential MiL. So glad to see it!

 And now we wait. Marlowe has said that there will be no time jump for 07.01, so we will pick back up from the crash scene this September! 

Our Giveaway winner has been announce and contacted! I cannot wait for Joyce to get her very own “Beckett” mug! Thank you to everyone who entered! Be on the look out this summer for more events!! 

I am planning a rewatch this summer and more details will be posted soon! I am also pleased to announce that I’ve accepted a new position with BeamlyUS as the host of their Castle TV Room. So the rewatch will be a conjoined site experience! The Beamly app is available for Apple and Android devices! 

I’d love to hear your thoughts and theories about the episode! Hit me up here in the comments or tumblr and Twitter are always an excellent options!! 

Congratulations to all of my readers who have or are graduating this spring!! Your North Stars are proud. Always. 

Can’t wait for my first summer rewatching Castle with you!! 


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About author(s)


Cami is a Fangirl first, a blogger second, and a Castle addict, always. Castle blogger for FANdemonium, and Castle Room Host for BeamlyUS. Books are her escape, music is her therapy, and Tumblr is her happy place. Follow her on Twitter (@camifaith_FN and @camifaith), Instagram and Tumblr (@drinkingcastleskoolaid).