Is Belle Frozen?

I really love the whole Disney Princess theme running on “Once Upon A Time” this year. As a huge fan of “Frozen“, I can’t begin to explain how happy I was to see just how flawless the transition was for Elsa, Anna and Kristoff to move into “real life.” The characterizations are spot on and the ladies are absolutely amazing with their tones and inflections which make it a pleasure to watch their adventure in Storybrooke unfold. They have certainly been the high point along with the icy baddie, Snow Queen.

My question though is what on earth has happened to Belle? Seriously. As a Disney Princess, Belle was inquisitive, kind and thoughtful. Until the marriage between her and Rumple, Belle was brave, clever and caring but our Storybrooke Belle has devolved into a minor player while her hubby goes full on evil.

Is Belle really that easily fooled? Or is she so desperate to believe Rumple is a changed man that she overlooks the obvious? Honestly, there’s no real decision here because Belle has been such a non-player this season so far.

This seems a bit troubling that OUAT writers appear to want to continuously flood us with new characters instead of playing with the very intriguing ensemble they already have. I’m not sure it will work in the long run but for now going frosty seems to be a good call.


About author(s)


Cami is a Fangirl first, a blogger second, and a Castle addict, always. Castle blogger for FANdemonium, and Castle Room Host for BeamlyUS. Books are her escape, music is her therapy, and Tumblr is her happy place. Follow her on Twitter (@camifaith_FN and @camifaith), Instagram and Tumblr (@drinkingcastleskoolaid).