And exhale… the relief is literally palpable in the fandom tonight! Castle has been officially been confirmed as “picked up” for season 7!! 

Gif credit to Synorama

We can now go into Monday’s episode with open arms!! Bring on the cliffhanger! Thank you ABC! Congratulations Andrew and Terri and to the rest of the cast a crew!

Sincerely, (One relieved fangirl)

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About author(s)


Cami is a Fangirl first, a blogger second, and a Castle addict, always. Castle blogger for FANdemonium, and Castle Room Host for BeamlyUS. Books are her escape, music is her therapy, and Tumblr is her happy place. Follow her on Twitter (@camifaith_FN and @camifaith), Instagram and Tumblr (@drinkingcastleskoolaid).