Blindspot post-finale Roundtable

Blindspot - Deductions

Blindspot post-finale Roundtable

It’s over and the dust has settled a little on the Blindspot season 3 finale. There were twists and turns and huge surprises galore in the run up to the end. We rounded up a few Blindspotters to talk about some of the highs and lows of the season as a whole and where we think the show will go next. Strap in for our Blindspot post-finale roundtable. Taking part in this chat are your host Clare along with Mo, Sophie and Kim.

What were your favourite moments this season?

C – I LOVE the fact that the tone this year has been lighter. There have been sweet, funny moments to break up all the tension. A large part of that, I think, is down to the addition of Ennis Esmer’s Rich Dot Com as a season regular. Oh and Kurt (Sullivan Stapleton) fanboying over Bill Nye was the cutest thing EVER!

M – Anything that Rich was involved was pretty epic.  The whole pitching his life story as they tried to break into the movie guys place was hilarious.  He adds some humour to the show that no one else could add in. I loved the 3.14 episode to pieces and have watched it quite a few times due to the breakfast club scenes and the epic Patterson (Ashley Johnson) fighting.

S – ‘Everlasting’ this episode was amazing, Patterson’s coma ‘groundhog day’ I loved every minute of this episode. I also enjoyed how we explored other characters a bit more and how Rich Dot Com has a way of going against the grain but ultimately bringing everyone together.

K – On the big picture front I really enjoyed Roman (Luke Mitchell)’s overarching story, how we never fully saw why he was doing what he was doing until the very end. I also enjoyed Patterson reliving the same day over and over until she was able to solve the mystery.

Do you think Roman really fell in love with Blake (Tori Anderson)?

C – Yeah, I think he was always capable of it, he just wasn’t used to it. Everyone in his past had always treated him as a thing, a soldier. No-one had ever shown him true affection until Blake came along.

M – I think he didn’t mean to fall in love with her but she was the one person who showed him something he had never really experienced and that was family and he needed that.

S – To begin with no, as soon as he showed interest in her I was like, ‘what does she have that he wants?’ but I think he really did fall for her, I think he actually thought she would stay with him and they could disappear together.

K – At the beginning I think he was just playing her but in the end I believe that he fell in love with her. She didn’t require anything of him, like other people did. She allowed him to relax and just be.

Do you think he still would have sided with Crawford (David Morse) against the team if Jane (Jaimie Alexander) hadn’t disowned him at the gala?

C – I’m not sure. I think even if Jane hadn’t totally shut him down I still think he’d have sided with Crawford in order to get close enough to take him down.

M – I think Jane and Avery (Kristina Reyes) with their distaste and hate for him pushed him towards Crawford as Crawford and Blake gave him a feeling of family and ultimately that is what he needed.

S – No, he blamed Crawford for what happened to him and Jane, to Roman, Crawford took his family and is responsible for everything they went through.

K – I think Roman was so focused on the long game of taking down Crawford that Jane’s response wasn’t going to affect him, ALTHOUGH I would be very curious what his reaction would have been if Jane hadn’t disowned him.

Half way through the season we found out about Jane’s daughter Avery. Their relationship once they finally met, was pretty tense. Do you trust Avery, or do you feel there is potential for her to do a Roman and turn on her family?

C – I’m still not 100% convinced on Avery. It took me a long time to genuinely believe she was Jane’s daughter and not someone Roman had paid off to act the part. Now Crawford is dead, but she wasn’t really part of the takedown which was what she wanted, I think she could become troublesome. Especially with Jane not remembering her and Kurt being in a coma.

M – I think Avery has many layers and at the moment I trust her with Jane and Kurt but who knows how deep the family troubles run and if Shepherd (Michelle Hurd) had a hand in bringing her up at all, she could turn on us all.  The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree and she has a lot of Jane in her, how much is the question.

S – I think this could go either way, now Jane has reverted to Remi who in theory, should remember Avery being taken away from her, Avery could be the key to bringing back Jane. However, Remi could influence Avery into joining team Sandstorm and carry on the family business. My initial feelings for Avery were do not trust her, make her go away.

K – Avery is such a wild card. At first I thought she was an imposter but seeing her and Jane escape from Lynnette’s house changed my mind. Avery was finally able to see the truth. She has no foundation going into the next season though.

Let’s talk about Patterson and that STUNNING groundhog day episode (3.14). What was your favourite part of her coma hallucinations?

Blindspot - Everlasting Patterson

C – Don’t make me choose! My fave part of the hallucinations was Roman in the elevator and anyone who says different is lying. My fave thing about that entire episode though was Kurt in full protective big brother mode!

M – Roman in the lift was my absolute favourite part because her reaction to him was hilarious and it was so unexpected.  The Breakfast Club scene was pretty awesome and is my second fav for that ep.

S – by far my fav episode this season! My fav part of this episode, so hard to pick! Only joking – it is of course Roman naked in the elevator.

K – I was so happy to see David again. He deserved so much better!

Zapata did some pretty shady shit this season while working with the CIA, like knowing Borden (Ukweli Roach) was still alive. After what happened in the finale, do you think she’s still working undercover for the CIA or do you think she’s gone rogue?

C – My thoughts on this change depending on what time of day it is. Half the time I think she’s still undercover with the CIA. After all someone ordered her to steal that phone, and if she says she handed it off to Keaton why would she lie? I think the “tribunal” was all a smokescreen, and that’s part of why she pushed Reade away. The rest of the time though I am not entirely sure she hasn’t just gone off the rails and is using what she knows to push ahead her own agenda.

M – Oh Zapata she has been mind screwed by the CIA so much that I think she will go off the reservation at their betrayal to her.  She has given so much to the company and then they do this to her. If anything the CIA need to watch out and maybe double the protection on Shepherd as I am thinking things are gonna get rocky.

S – I feel so betrayed by Zapata, what she has done to all of them, I don’t think she is redeemable. Poor Reade, she practically ruins his almost marriage then goes and breaks his heart. I know I might be a little biased because I loved Roman, he was such an interesting character and I have really enjoyed his story, but the fact that Zapata played a role in his death, I just can’t forgive her.

I think she is still undercover with the CIA

K – I have absolutely no idea what to think about Zapata anymore. I thought it was all gonna be good with her and Reade and then she rejected him and I’m so confused. I really want to hope that she’s DEEP undercover because I really like her but throughout the whole series she’s been unpredictable.

Speaking of those secretly working with the CIA, we had Nas Kamal (Archie Panjabi) back for an episode this season, and at the end of that we found out she’s been working with the CIA. Do you think maybe we will see more of her again in season 4?

C – YES PLEASE. Love Archie and really hope we see Nas again. With the possibility of Sandstorm coming back under Remi’s leadership (once she finds out Shepherd is in prison and Roman and Oscar are toast) I think they are going to need the Sandstorm expert!

M – Please please please.  She is a great character that worked so hard for the team and I hope she is back with her roots and can kick ass again for us next season.

S – I hope so! She was a great character!

K – I definitely think we’ll see her back, especially with Jane trying to take down the FBI from the inside AND we don’t know how long Weller is gonna be out. I wonder if she’ll tie in to Zapata.

Okay, we’re gonna have to talk some about the finale. Because SO MUCH HAPPENED.

First up, that reveal of why Roman was after Crawford in the first place, because he built the orphanage Roman and Remi stayed in. Were you expecting that or did you think it was going to be something else? If so, what?

C – I just figured he’d done some really shady shit. Shady enough for Mr “I was raised by an amoral terrorist” to think he needed to be taken down. Totally blown away by the reveal, tying everything back to the orphanage, to Remi and Roman’s childhood, genius!

M – I had no idea that he built the orphanage and set Roman and Remi on the journey that they went on.  It was pretty epic and lovely to see what Roman’s end game was and why he was so hell bent on helping the team catch Crawford as it was such a big impact on his life.  Roman has been made into the most lovable antagonist to the team. Like the others I have fallen in love with his epic genius in his plans, always 20 steps ahead.

S – I was not expecting that. I assumed it was because he was another one who did bad things to good people, like the tattoos had led them to find before. It was quite the twist.

K – I did not see that coming. I just figured that Roman was after Crawford because he was terrible guy. Not because he had done anything specifically to Roman.

Jane’s ZIP poisoning has resulted in her reverting to Remi, she’s forgotten the last 3 years, including her relationship with Kurt. How do you think this is going to play out in S4?

C – After everything that Jeller have been through in season 3, I really hoped that they’d be okay for a little while. It felt like the rug got yanked out from under me. I don’t even know which way is up right now, never mind how things are going to play out from here. I can see Kurt getting hurt even more than he did when he found out about Clem. Must find a way to slip the poor guy my number, I’ll mend that broken heart!

M – Well I think she is going to have her work cut out for her.  She will have to break out Shepherd which I think she can do. She will also kill personally and painfully Blake and possibly Zapata for their hand in her brothers demise.  I think she will have time to get to know Jane before Kurt awakens and I’m hoping fall for him all over again. S4 is gonna be a whole new ball game.

S – It’s going to be hard to watch, I was gobsmacked. I really hope it doesn’t take the team long to figure out. Weller will be heartbroken but so will Remi when she finds out what has happened and that she is the one that did it all.

K – It’s gonna be heartbreaking when Weller realizes that Jane doesn’t remember that she’s married to him. It’s also going to be interesting to watch her try to undermine FBI plans while still trying to play along.

In the worst moments of Roman’s ZIP poisoning, he hallucinated his sister. Do you think there’s a chance we’ll see Roman again next season as Jane’s condition worsens?

C – I really hope so. Despite how much I fangirl over Weller (as anyone who has seen me live tweet will attest) I actually started the show because I heard Luke was joining the cast. I would be very surprised if we don’t get a couple of appearances, either in hallucinations or flashbacks.

M – There better be!  Flashbacks, hallucinations, the video files and messages he left for Jane.  Oh and you know fingers crossed a resurrection or a doppelganger please because there is so much Roman could have done. Especially with Remi being back could you imagine the havoc those two could have caused.

S – OOoo this could be an interesting twist, what if she thinks it is actually Roman? I think it’s got a good chance of it happening.

K – I hope so. I didn’t think that they would kill off Roman. He was such an interesting, nuanced character. I really hope that we get to see more of his early relationship with Jane.

That’s it from us…

We’d LOVE to hear what you think FANdemaniacs. What did you think about season 3? Are you excited for season 4? Get in touch either via social media or in the comments and let us know.

Blindspot returns to NBC on September 28th. No word on a UK air date yet We’ll be there, will you?

About author(s)

Clare Hemsworth

Hey, I'm Clare, aka Ciara or C. My current fandoms are RWBY and The Last Kingdom along with a bunch of other stuff I tend to let build up and then binge! I'm a keen, albeit amateur, cosplayer and love attending cons in various cosplays. I'm also the resident comic book girl around these parts, especially small press comics, so if you've got an indie book you want reviewed, I'm your gal! When I'm not doing the fangirl thing I am a keen long-distance hiker, having completed Te Araroa in New Zealand and The Pacific Crest Trail on the West Coast of the US.