Shadowhunters Fanfic Contest – Finalists

Shadowhunters Hiatus Giveaway

At the end of season 2A we launched our Shadowhunters Hiatus Fanfic Contest. We were so excited to read everyone’s entries and you guys did NOT disappoint. 3 of the team here at FANdemonium Towers who are all big Shadowhunters fans sat down and read the entries and came up with a shortlist of 5 finalists.

The choice of who wins the two prize packs is up to you – the fans!

Below you will find the shortlisted finalists – anonymous of course – please read through them and vote for your fave in the poll at the end. The two with the most votes as of Sunday June 4th will win the prize packs (these consist of a Got Malec? shirt, a set of Shadowhunter themed coasters and an Angelic feather bookmark).

PLEASE NOTE – You can share this as much as you want but please, for the sake of fairness, DO NOT identify authors if you know them. The finalists have been listed anonymously for a reason!

The winners will be announced on June 5th, to celebrate the return of Shadowhunters season 2B.

Finalist 1

I’m afraid that if we rush into this, that I might lose you.”

How could Magnus be afraid of losing him? Even though it was very early on in their relationship, Alec somehow knew that the bond they had was special. The two of them together, it was special. If anything, Alec always had a constant sense of paranoia at the back of his mind concerning Magnus, and what the warlock felt for him. Magnus was older than him, a lot older, and by now he must know exactly what he wants in a partner? He must know he could have anything his heart desired, so what could possibly make him desire Alec? Hearing Magnus admit that he was afraid of losing Alec, well it surprised him, but also gave him a sense of relief.

“Magnus, you aren’t going to lose me. Whether we do this tonight, tomorrow, or in months to come, I can assure you that you won’t lose me.” Alec exhaled, realising only then that he had been holding his breath. “I can’t promise anything to you, I don’t want to promise anything to you because I don’t want to disappoint you in any way. All I know is that this, what we have, it feels right. It feels good. I don’t want that feeling to go away.”

Alec let out a shaky breath. Admitting his emotions had always been difficult for him, especially as he believed he wouldn’t ever have the chance to actually express how he felt. But with Magnus, everything came naturally to him. It was like whenever he was in his presence, he was actually able to be himself.

“I want you, all of you.” Alec continued before Magnus had a chance to speak, watching as the look of vulnerability slowly began to fade from his face. “It’s not just about having sex. I want to be close to you and to know you in every possible way of knowing you, but I want that when you want it as well.”

Somehow, the pair had slowly began to close the gap that had been created between them. It felt natural to be this close to one another, even when talking, like there was a magnet constantly drawing them together since the day they met.

“You say that you’re scared of losing me, but I’m going to be here for as long as you want me to.” Alec finally finished, slowly reaching to hold his boyfriends hands between his own.

There had always been a significant lack of touch between the two of them, but standing in front of Magnus whilst rubbing his thumbs softly on the palm of his hands felt right. It felt loving, and Alec wanted to convey how loving he was trying to be. The last thing he wanted Magnus to think was that he wasn’t in this for the long run.

“Alexander, that was quite honestly the longest time I think you’ve spoken without me joining in.” Magnus chuckled softly, looking down at the way their hands were clasped together.

Alec rolled his eyes, but he was glad to hear the teasing tone back in Magnus’ voice. It meant he had said the right thing, it meant Magnus was relaxed again.

“And for your information, I’m going to want you to be here for a long time.” Magnus sighed happily, pulling the shadowhunter towards him with their hands and pressing a soft kiss to his lips.

Alec’s breath hitched in his throat as he kissed back, trying his hardest to pour every emotion he could into it. Magnus made him feel like everything was okay, like wanting these things was normal and nothing to be ashamed of. This was possibly their slowest kiss yet, and there was so much hidden meaning behind it, that Alec actually struggled to stop himself from smiling out of pure happiness.

Magnus would be stupid to not feel Alec’s lips curl into a smile, and found himself also overcome with an immense sense of joy. Feelings like this did not come around often, especially not when you were more centuries old than you’d care to admit. This felt so right, it was almost scary.

They had to pull away as it was downright impossible to kiss somebody whilst having a huge smile plastered across your face. Magnus brought a finger to his lip where Alec’s had just been and shook his head fondly.

“What?” Alec asked, his voice raspy the way it always seemed to be after kissing Magnus.

“I just- you know.” Magnus sighed happily, looking up into Alec’s eyes and placing their hands back together.

The lack of words didn’t matter, Alec knew what he was trying to say. It was far too early in their relationship to use words such as ‘love’ but right now as they stood so close their chests touched and Alec could practically feel Magnus’ chest rise and fall with each breath, he knew it himself to be true.

“Come on.” Magnus tugged gently, and pulled Alec with him towards his bedroom door. “I don’t know what’s going to happen tonight Alexander, but right now I just want to lay down with you. We’ll see where things go from there, okay?” He added, laughing softly as Alec cocked an eyebrow.

Alec found himself a few hours later watching Magnus as he slept, the low volume of a movie they’d forgotten about still playing in the background. It hit Alec now, watching Magnus as he lay peacefully, that relationships really did take effort, but he was happy to run to the ends of the earth for Magnus. He was happy to give himself entirely to this man, and he was willing to do so.

Alec knew that there would always be a war, always be something in their way, but as long as he had Magnus by his side, he would always be willing to fight.


Finalist 2

Alec and Jace stood in the empty hallway of the institute, the sounds of people cleaning up after Valentine’s attack filtering through to them from the rest of the building.
“How do you know it was the truth?” Alec asked, unsure of what to say to his parabatai.

“He had the Soul Sword in his hands.”

Both of them knew the power of the sword, that it encouraged whomever was holding it to tell the truth, pure and simple. Jace could remember how it felt, holding it and trying to lie. The pain was unbearable, much like thinking Clary was his sister.

“So… Clary’s not your sister?” Alec still couldn’t believe what Jace was telling him.  Jace looked at him, the pain clear in his eyes.

“She never was.”

Alec sighed, knowing what the answer was going to be to his next question.

“What are you gonna do?”

“I’m gonna tell her.”

“Are you sure it’s the best thing to do? I mean… she’s with Simon now.”

“It’s the only thing to do Alec. Even if she tells me that she doesn’t love me, she still deserves to know the truth.”

Jace thought about how it felt to find out he didn’t have demon blood the way he’s been led to believe by the man he thought was his father. The relief had been immense, if not a shock, and he would have been wanted to have been told if anyone else had known before he’d activated the Soul Sword.

“Okay. Go find Clary. I’ll be with Magnus if you need me.” Alec pulled Jace into a tight hug before leaving the blonde shadowhunter to his thoughts.

After a few minutes, Jace pushed away from the wall and went in search of the woman he knew he loved. For months, he’d been fighting his feelings thinking she was his sister and forbidden to him, but Valentine’s revelation had changed all that. 

Wandering through the institute, he could see his fellow shadowhunters cleaning their weapons as the downworlders were granted entry to the institute to collect their dead. Normally, Jace would be helping, but all he could think about was Clary.

Valentine, disguised as his father Michael Wayland, had told him once that when shadowhunters fall in love, they only do it once and it was for life. Was Clary his once? Was he the one for her? All he could do was to tell her the truth and find out. He was scared, something he’d only begun to experience after meeting the fiery redhead. Was this love? Living in constant fear that they’ll get hurt?

Stopping for a moment, he rested his forehead against the cool wall of the institute’s entrance hallway. His heart was pounding and his palms were sweaty. He felt sick, but after a couple of seconds, he pushed away, and carried on searching for Clary.

He could hear her voice outside. With a renewed energy, he made his way through the large doors and stopped dead at the top of the stairs.

Clary was laughing with Simon in the sunshine. Her face was full of joy. He took a small step forward to interrupt them, but when they started kissing, he turned around and went back inside, his heart hurting and his voice unable to produce the words he needed to say.

He knew he had to tell her the truth, but he needed to wait until he could speak to her alone, just the two of them. He needed to be able to watch her face as she realised the implications of what he told her.

Only then would he believe her if she told him she had chosen Simon over him.

Finalist 3

Alec had jumped off his balcony that night leaving him hurt and confused. He was more hurt than confused, and the combination of both was almost too painful to bear as he went back inside his apartment late that night.

Magnus poured himself a drink. It was rather routine of him to do so but this time it felt different. Opening the liquor bottle, pouring up just a mouthful into a small, crystal glass. This glass of amber liquid had purpose; a reason. Normally he drank just for the hell of it but as he let the cool liquor slip past his lips and down his throat, he was surprised to feel nothing. Not the familiar jolt of disgust when the liquor was a tad strong nor the sense of relaxation that usually consumed him when he took that first drink.

He felt nothing.

Setting his now empty glass down, he wandered into his bedroom and slipped into his comfortable silk robe and fuzzy slippers. His mind kept veering back towards Alec and how he wouldn’t use an Iratze on his swollen and bleeding hands because he thought the physical pain would cancel out the guilt in his heart.

Guilt was like a parasite. Magnus should know. He had experienced more than his fair share of guilt during his immortal life, often over the smallest and most silly things. The bigger things, however, nearly killed him. The guilt consumed him to the point where he didn’t think he was going to make it to see the sunrise in the morning. It ate at him from the inside out until he couldn’t take it anymore and he lashed out at the people he cared about around him, which ultimately led to more guilt to add to the guilt that was already there.

He wasn’t going to let Alec drown in his own self-pity. Absolutely not. What had happened with Jocelyn wasn’t his fault and Magnus would shout this to the heavens if that meant getting through to his beautiful Shadowhunter and ridding him of the hatred in his heart. It was heartbreaking to him like this; beating himself up and blaming himself for something that he had absolutely no control over. Magnus wasn’t going to let this happen. Not on his watch.

A fire now lit in the fireplace, Magnus made himself a cup of tea and a sandwich as he sat down in front of the warm fire. He got to thinking (which he regrets often because he tends to overthink things).

Was all this worth it?

Would all of this pain pay off in the end?

Magnus looked down at his hands. They were rather nice hands, if he said so himself. Long, slim fingers. Wide palm. Rings and other jewelry that he really should take off before he goes to bed but he often forgets to do so.

And the scars. The scars that he desparately tries so hard to conceal from Alec using a simple Glamor spell. These scars were of all shapes and sizes and each one had a story behind them. Like the one between his thumb and forefinger; he was bitten by one of his former lovers (a vampire) whom he wouldn’t bite him one night. No meant no, but this particular lover didn’t care. Magnus had extended an arm to defend himself and the vampire had latched onto his hand with a pair of sharp fangs and bit him.

That was just the story to one scar.

The rest he didn’t care to think about. Not when someone he loved dearly and held close to his heart was hurting. Now wasn’t the time to wallow in things that happened in the past. Alec needed him. And just as importantly….

He needed Alec.

The deep sigh that escaped him felt like his first, real breath in a very long time. Everything suddenly became clear to him-he knew now the answer to his question-and for the first time in a very long time, life made sense to him.

Was all this worth it?

Would all of this pain pay off in the end?

Looking down at the scars on his hands, remnants of his past that he’d much rather leave behind and forget, he smiled to himself as Alec’s laughing face flashed in his mind. The dimpled cheeks. The laugh lines around his beautiful hazel eyes. All of it made sense now.


This was all worth it.

From the moment he first laid eyes on Alec to when he watched him jump off his balcony with the grace of a lion, as weird as this sounded, Alec made sense to him. Alec was his light that lit the darkness. Alec was his world. Alec was his home and there was no other place he’d rather be than in that man’s strong arms where it felt warm and safe just like a home should, only this home wasn’t four walls and a roof. It had skin, bones and a heartbeat.

Taking another deep breath, Magnus picked up the phone and called Alec. It went straight to voicemail.

“It’s Alec. Leave a message.”

Magnus spoke after the beep. “It’s just me. I’ve been thinking a lot about your predicament. It reminds me of my own dark past and I just wanted to let you know that you’ll be okay. If you need someone to talk to, I’m here for you. Okay? Don’t hesitate to pick up the phone and call me. I’ll always have time for you. I lo-”

He cringed as he reached the voicemail time limit. At least he managed to get his point across. There were plenty more opportunities in the future to say the other thing he wanted to say. Time presents itself in funny ways sometimes.

He just had to wait for the right moment.

Finalist 4

Elaine Lewis drained the remainder of her drink. She’d been alcohol free for year, but her son’s missing was putting too much strain on her. She hiccoughed a little and wiped her tear stained face. She didn’t understand where he could have gone off to or why he hadn’t called or texted or done anything to tell her. She prayed he wasn’t dead.

He had always been a good kid, her boy. But recently he had started acting strange, Maureen had thought he was on drugs. Partially she blamed herself. As a single mother, it was hard to micromanage a child, let alone two. She had never remarried, though the thought had crossed her mind. They always said boys needed a father figure in their life, she’d partially assumed that was Luke Garroway.

“Excuse me, mam, are you alright?” a voice asked. It sounded younger than her previous waiter, hinting at an accent. They were the first kind words she had heard all night. Looking up she met the face of a young man, perhaps a few years older than Simon. Genuine concern shown on his face, she felt oddly touched.

“I’m fine, but thank you for asking,” she responded thinking about how pathetic she must look crying… and drunk.

“If you don’t mind me saying Mrs. Lewis, but it doesn’t look to be true.” she looked at him startled. How did he know her name? “You are Mrs. Lewis I presume,” he continued. “Simon’s mother?”

“You know Simon?” her voice was shaking. “Do-do you know where he is? If he’s alright?”

“You needn’t worry Mrs. Lewis,” he said, his voice soothing. “Simon is fine, I take full credit for all the anxiety you’ve been through. Sometimes I forget my clients have lives outside of their careers.”

“Who are you?” Elaine asked, “And how do you know my son?”

He gave her an easy smile, one inviting her to trust him. “My apologies for the terrible introduction. I’m Raphael Santiago, Simon’s band manager.”

A puzzled look crossed her face. “Band manager? I-I didn’t know- he didn’t tell me.”

“That was on both our parts,” the man, Raphael, explained. “I just signed him, you see. I think he wanted to surprise you. And I’ve kept him busy with late night gigs among other things. I’m afraid we both forgot. Again, I am truly sorry for all the trouble we’ve caused you.”

A shaky, almost laughing breath was released. “I’m-I’m just glad he’s alright. Did he really get signed?” she asked, a smile forming. All this worry for nothing, Simon was alright.

“You’re just as surprised as I am,” he sounded amused.

“It’s just all so unexpected. Simon’s wanted a band for so long but I made him go to accounting school because, let’s be honest, we both know how that dream usually goes.”

“I more than understand,” Raphael said. “But your son is different, I see a lot of myself in him.”

“Have a seat,” she invited, “I want to know more.” He did so and a waiter walked by. Raphael politely stopped him and asked for a side salad and a glass of water. When the food returned he gave it to her. “You really don’t have to do that,” she said but he shook his head in protest.

“I would be dishonoring my mother if I didn’t,” he insisted, so she took a sip of the water.

“So, you really are Simon’s band manager?” she just couldn’t believe it, it all seemed surreal.

“Breathing and in the flesh,” he laughed as if he had made some joke. She supposed he had. “And I assure you, your son is fine, more like great. And he’s very guilty for making you so nervous.”

“It’s just a relief that he’s okay and doing well,” she said. “Maybe I could come see him sometime?”

“You’ll have to take that up with him,” Raphael started.

“Because ever rocker wants his mom in the pit with his groupies,” she finished for him, laughing a little. “I get it, oaky fine, I’ll let him invite me first.”

“You’re very understanding of your son’s situation,” Raphael seemed impressed.

“Simon’s a good boy, he is and I trust him.” Elaine said, “Though to be honest, I am a little worried about him. He’s been acting strange recently and I don’t know what’s going on.”

“Again, I take full responsibility for that,” Raphael said. “You’d think all the cliché tropes would be over, but you’d be surprised. We’re trying to find the one he does most convincingly.”

“You know, that makes so much since now,” she said thinking back to everything. “I’ll have to tell you, Simon’s not a very good actor though. Even as a little boy he couldn’t get one lie past me, no matter how many times he insisted he brushed his teeth.”

Raphael laughed. “Okay, well half convincing. Just good enough to bring in an audience.”

“I can’t thank you enough for telling me,” she said, finishing her salad.

“It’s really the least I could do for you,” he said. “Like you said Simon’s a good person, he’s been more than a pleasure to work with.”

“It’s good to know he still keeps his manners.”

“It’s good to know you raised him with some.”

She sighs. “I’ve done my best. My husband passed when he was little. It’s been hard on all of us.”

“You’ve done an excellent job,” he reassured her.

The waiter came collecting her dishes. Raphael asked for another water and paid the bill, including her drinks from earlier. “You’re such a gentleman,” she remarked, making him smile.

“Chivalry’s not dead yet Mrs. Lewis,” he replied.

“Please, call me Elaine. I think we’re past formalities.” She insisted.

He continued to smile. “I take it as an honor. If you’ll excuse me, I need to take care of some business.” He got up from the table and walked towards the restroom.

The restaurant door opened. She looked up as Simon walked in.


Finalist 5

“Where’s Magnus? He wasn’t here, was he?”

He looks around at the bodies on the floor, each face imprinting in his mind, pain and yet relief filling his heart with every face that isn’t Magnus’.

“We portaled in upstairs. We split up.”

“Oh, God.”

For a moment Alec feels his world ending, for a moment he can’t breathe, he is lost, but he has no time for panic.

He turns around, ready to check every nook of the Institute; running, running to Magnus.

He will find Magnus.

Dead or alive.

Please, God, please, let him be alive.


He almost slips on the marble floor in the training room, his eyes checking body after body, widening as he sees people he recognises, but it doesn’t matter. His throat feels tight and he has to remind himself to breathe, his hands are shaking because even if there is no Magnus, he can’t calm down. He can’t breathe. He just wants to see Magnus.

His lungs are burning and the cogs in his mind are turning, the map of the institute in front of his eyes.

He needs to run.


The left wing.

The third floor.

The west corridors.

There’s James, who never looked at Alec differently after the wedding.

There’s Megan, who was suspicious of Alec ever since he kept showing around The Institute with Magnus but in the end always listened to his orders over Victor.

There’s Peter, and Peter was a homophobic dick, but he didn’t deserve to die.


He sees fallen vampires and werewolves and he wonders how many of them Magnus knew.

He wonders about the fact he didn’t know many of them and it feels wrong.

His legs are weak, he feels cold, he is sweaty and shaking, but he runs. There is just the attic left.

Alec has no idea what Magnus would be doing in the attic, but he needs to know.


It doesn’t matter because there are no bodies in the attic.

There is no Magnus.


Alec almost trips running down the stairs, pushing someone out of the way, uncaring of who they are.

He needs air, he needs out, and he needs Magnus. He needs to find him, he needs to check the gardens because what if the light of the Sword got out of the windows, what if, what if…


He’s lost.

He’s lost, he’s shaking and he must look crazy. There are people around him, but none of them are him, and Alec feels his heart in his throat, blocking the way of precious air.

He’s lost.

He can’t breathe and he has no idea where to go next, what to do, he just needs to find Magnus, he needs to tell him.


He can’t breathe.


There’s a hand on his shoulder.


*gasps* aren’t they all just wonderful?!? We hope you enjoy them and don’t have too much trouble picking your favourite.

Pick your fave on our poll.

Which FanFic do you love? Who gets your vote?

  • Finalist 1 (37%, 33 Votes)
  • Finalist 5 (27%, 24 Votes)
  • Finalist 3 (26%, 23 Votes)
  • Finalist 2 (8%, 7 Votes)
  • Finalist 4 (2%, 2 Votes)

Total Voters: 89

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See you on mid-season premiere day with the winners announcement!


About author(s)

Clare Hemsworth

Hey, I'm Clare, aka Ciara or C. My current fandoms are RWBY and The Last Kingdom along with a bunch of other stuff I tend to let build up and then binge! I'm a keen, albeit amateur, cosplayer and love attending cons in various cosplays. I'm also the resident comic book girl around these parts, especially small press comics, so if you've got an indie book you want reviewed, I'm your gal! When I'm not doing the fangirl thing I am a keen long-distance hiker, having completed Te Araroa in New Zealand and The Pacific Crest Trail on the West Coast of the US.