
Outsiders – And the Three Shall Save You – Review

Outsiders - And the Three Shall Save You

Our Rating

Outsiders 2×01 ‘And the Three Shall Save You’ review9.6
Following the death of Big Foster, G'Win is pressured to assume leadership as Asa looks to flee the Farrells once and for all.

OutsidersAnd the Three Shall Save You – Review

Outsiders is back! The premiere episode held nothing back in gore and drama. The series started where it ended with the Outsiders confronting the Farrells. Continue reading below for the our review of Outsiders – And the Three Shall Save You.

Wade welcomes a new enemy

Wade (Thomas M. Wright) sees nothing but fighting and killing between his men and the Farrell clan on the mountain. He watches as his men get slaughtered, including himself in the eye by G’win’s (Gillian Alexy) arrow. But, it was all a dream. Wade wakes up in the hospital after falling down the mountain trying to escape before a fight could happen. He is seen as the laughing stock in the town, again. He tries to move on and arrived at the station with a new emergency manager Matt Meyers (James McCauley) placed in charge of the town. Matt tells him that they are no longer focused on getting the Farrells off the mountain. They want to fix things in the town first. This angers Wade, as he wants to find the person who killed Breece. But, Wade has to deal with it. At home, Ledda (Rebecca Harris) tells Wade to not worry about the Farrells. She blames the construction company and wants Wade to stay with the family where he is safe.

All hail the Bren’in G’win

G’win is dealing with the tensions within her clan. With Lil Foster’s (Ryan Hurst) advice, she tries to unite them by reminding them they are all kin and that the Outsiders are coming after them. She makes a rule that no one is allowed to go down the mountain. In a later scene, the cousins that usually rolled with Big Foster are practicing shooting in case of war.

The elders prepare for the coronation of G’win as Bren’in. G’win begin having doubts because she didn’t become Bren’in innocently, but the Emely assured her that they need her. G’win seeks comfort at Lady Ray’s grave and speaks the old tongue. With tears in her eyes, she asks for guidance.  In the middle of the night, G’win wakes up and sees Elon’s ghost who presents her Big Foster’s (David Morse) necklace. She takes this as a sign and wakes Emely up and demands the ceremony to happen tonight. She takes the oath.


Lil Foster goes on an adventure

G’win has Lil Foster going to find Big Foster’s body. Using his tracking skills (which are insane by the way), he begins tracking where Big Foster could be. It takes him down to the mountain where he runs into some dogs owned by one of the townies named Jed. They become acquainted with Jed showing support to Lil Foster’s kind and offering to take him to the morgue and the hospital (same building of course), in hopes to find Big Foster’s body if dead or injured. He first needs to drop off some cookies to his friend at the bar and tells Lil Foster to stay in the car.

While Jed is dropping off the cookies he is confronted by his friends for bringing a Farrell out. They begin to fight – well, Lil Foster is just kicking everyone’s butt. The police come and take him in.

Wade doesn’t care about the fight, he just wants to know who killed Breece. Lil Foster tells Wade that his father Big Foster killed Breece and Asa killed Big Foster. Lil Foster then confronts Wade about  running away from the mountain. Wade decides to keep Lil Foster in jail for more questioning and protect him from the angry mob that wants to kill him.

I have a feeling Lil Foster is going to have to go “Prison Break” on the county jail. People want to find someone to blame for the murders and a way to gain access to the mountain. Lil Foster in a great scapegoat.

Asa and the three wolves

G’win goes to retrieve Asa (Joe Anderson) from the box but finds it empty. Worried she might be exposed, the three wolves of the mountain show up and just give her a look. An unspoken word between them, and they take off.

Asa is away from the mountain and gets rid of anything that can identify him, that he is part of the Farrell clan, including his necklace and knife. He goes into the town and breaks into the Hobby Shop and steals money.

Near the train tracks, Asa finds a homeless man and asks if he can sit with him and warm up. Small talk ensues and he wants to know if Asa is a Farrell. Asa denies it. Fed up with being asked, he walks away and are confronted by the three wolves of the mountain. Understanding that this is his fate, he allows the dogs to attack him, leaving him dead… or is he? The wolves and Asa’s body disappeared as the train finished.

There is so much symbolism going on on this show. G’win saw the three wolves as symbols of the mountain who will protect the bren’in and the mountain. G’win saw Asa as a threat and the wolves took care of him for her – especially during her ceremony, right as she touches the oak. The mountain knows what it wants and it wants Asa gone.

This is quite a sad ending for Asa, especially since he first saw the wolf in the first season. It brought him back to the mountain… only to have him killed in the end. But as we have seen, is he really gone?

Sasil Love

Ignoring G’win’s orders, Hasil (Kyle Gallner) goes down into the city to find Sally-Ann (Christina Jackson). When he finds her, she yells at him for leaving her in the woods. Because of him, she lost her job and has to rebuild her relationship with her brother. She ends things with him, which leaves him heartbroken. As Hasil returns to the mountain, G’win tells Hasil that the clan needs him. He tells her he isn’t going anywhere ever again.

Sally-Ann faces her own problems as her pregnancy test comes back positive. As she is crying, she finds a carved wooden bird on her stairs.


At the end of the episode, we find a woman with her family, living in filth, bringing food to a bedridden Big Foster (David Morse).

This is a HUGE shocker! I mean HUGE! With Big Foster’s body being MIA, there was a hint that he may be alive, but I kinda thought we’d find out down the road. So many that have died have been ghosts, so I thought that we’d see David Morse back on the show, but I thought he’d be a ghost haunting them for murdering him. But nope. Big Foster is alive and, maybe, not so well. He’s being cared for by a scary looking family.

Oh, man. This is going to cause trouble and headaches for G’win if and when he gets back.

What did you think of Outsiders – And the Three Shall Save You? Don’t forget to follow us on twitter (@FANdemoniumNet) every Tuesday night at 9pm #OutsidersWGN #GedGedYah

About author(s)


Jenn is a Book Lover, Fangirl, Daniel Cudmore's Number one Fan, and Ricky Whittle connoisseur and the "chairwoman" of #TheWhittleExperience. Co-Owner of FANdomConsultants.com. When not found traveling to and from NYC (my home, my heart), reading, or writing on one of the several sites she owns, she's usually on Tumblr stalking Ricky Whittle gifs and scouring the Internet for more goodies on Dan. Jenn is also a budding artist and has her own studio where she creates some fandom made goodies. Follow her on Twitter, & Instagram.

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