Awakenings Saving Hope S 03 E 03 recap

Previously on saving hope

Alex was stabbed and had Heart surgery, she has been talking to Charlie whilst her body gets better, Joel has had a pretty bad time with patients as well as dealing with how Alex is, this is because he blames himself, Maggie broke up with Gavin and has a new Boss Dr Katz who is so cool and to finish where we were, Joel Kissed Alex and woke her up, that is where we were left and that is where we kick off from.

Season 3 episode 3 Awakenings

Charlie walks into the room and shouts ‘What did you do?’ twice at Joel, who is at Alex’s side, Joel shouts for Melinda and Dawn, as Charlie starts to talk to Alex who seems to have no idea who he is, she tries to get up and Joel says she was hurt and needs to relax, that the anaesthetic is wearing off, she seems to not remember a thing. As Alex opens her eyes she sees a blurry figure, from the voice it is Gavin he has brought her breakfast and is about to see where she is in the sense of normality, she doesn’t remember who he is or anything about herself, she seems bothered by the way Charlie keeps visiting her as she feels at this moment she doesn’t know him, Gavin says she has a common problem called post-operative retro grade amnesia, Alex says she knows exactly what this is but doesn’t know how she met Gavin, he smiles and says it was in the doctors lounge, his first shift and she was nice, she looks confused still but he leaves her alone to form her own conclusions. He walks out and past Dawn and Charlie who are talking in the corridor, Gavin says that she needs time to heal and remember, Charlie asks if there is anything they can do to move things a long, (that’s not giving her time Charlie) but Gavin stresses it can’t be rushed, Dawn says they can’t be easy on her as the vein they took from her leg means she needs to get walking straight away, Charlie then gets a text saying he is needed in the ER straight away as they have a mass of casualties heading in, he stops before going as he sees Ian’s ghost the man who stabbed Alex in her room, but Dawn says she will be fine and he looks again and Alex is alone and he has to head off.

Maggie is crying, Dr Katz comes in to check on her and Maggie says it’s her first period since the miscarriage and she can’t control her emotions, Dr Katz says that it is a common occurrence, she tells Maggie to Laugh or Cry and pick one of them and then stop doing both, she then leaves to get on with her work. Charlie is standing outside a lift, as he gets in we see Joel in there, Joel asks how Alex is, Charlie says she has amnesia and needs to walk around then he can get her home, Joel says they need to not rush these things, and Charlie replies (like a nob) ‘oh I hadn’t thought of that’ (Charlie’s attitude is not to my liking). An explosion has sent a ton of people to the ER, Charlie and Joel are intrigued by a man and a woman stuck together when the insulation was thrown onto them after a blast near a gas main, it seems the insulation is stuck to their skin and clothes, someone says they are lucky to be alive and Charlie says that they are not lucky. Joel and Charlie start checking them over making sure they know where it hurts and getting a handle of the situation, we find out that Marshall is an electrician on site and Anna is the architect, Marshall says he is fuzzy on how they ended up the way they did but Anna looks at him knowing he is hiding something. Charlie and Joel have a different opinion on how to treat them, Joel thinks that the saw is the best option, Charlie thinks that solvents is the best way to go, Joel says that the solvents won’t work as the insulation mess is too thick, Charlie is then called away and doesn’t seem to happy. Dana walks over (oh I missed her) and says they will need solvent, Joel says he already had this conversation with Charlie that the solvents will not work, Dana says we will start with solvents and then if they have to move onto the saw.

Dawn is checking Alex over and seeing how her heart is, she says that Alex needs to get walking and when Alex says she doesn’t think she can, dawn says she has to or she will not do so well, Alex says doctors are supposed to be nice and dawn replies with, ‘you really don’t remember me, do you?’ Alex is told she has to walk to the nurses station, and she says she has no idea where it is, she has no idea who anyone is and is frustrated that they expect her to know things she doesn’t, dawn tells her where the nurses station is and leaves with a kind smile. Alex leaves her room to walk, she is slow and seems to have a bit of anxiety, a nurse says she will be fine as she passes and Alex has no idea who this nurse is, a woman passes Alex and asks if this is her first time, that she had to walk these halls a few times when she got started, her name is Marisol and she is waiting to be discharged and it was all to do with her heart, Alex seems good with having a conversation with someone who doesn’t expect her to know who they are and as Marisol leaves and talks with a nurse, Alex is overcome with exhaustion and slides down the wall, Marisol and nurses run over to her aid (maybe having someone walk with her would be better). Maggie is tending to a patient when Zach walks over and says that the imaging from a patient of hers Carl Polanski, which shows he has something wrong that he did not gain from the explosion, she tries to say something to Zach who walks off to deal with another patient due to how busy they are, so Maggie walks over to Carl and starts to explain that he only has a few cuts and bruises from the explosion, she then starts to say that they found something that needs attention and then after getting Carl worried she walks away upset, worrying Carl more. Zach walks over to find her crying, she explains why and he says his ex-wife was like that after her miscarriage, that they did something called Yoga laughter to help purge the emotions from her system, he tries to help Maggie and she just loses her calm and then walks off (poor Zach he is such a good person and doesn’t have the best of luck).

Joel is saying that the solvents are not working for Anna and Marshall, Dana says they need more time, both Anna and Marshall are getting frustrated, Marshall is worried as his kid needs picking up from school, but the number he has for his sister who needs to do this is in his phone which is under all the mess, Joel asks if there is anyone they can call for Anna and she says she has a boyfriend but she doesn’t want him To see her like this, Joel goes to Dana with his back to Anna and Marshall and says they need to start with the saw, she doesn’t say anything but with the state the patients are in and how agitated they seem their conditions could worsen. Alex is lying in bed and Charlie walks in he says he had a minute free and is straight onto seeing if she has remembered anything, not giving her the time Gavin said she needed, Charlie gets a text and has to leave as he leaves Alex says she is trying to remember her life and she is trying to start to walk, but she needs some space to do this on her own, he says of course and leaves the room. Joel and Dana have started with the saw to get the insulation off Anna and Marshall, they start to panic and say it feels like it is burning, so Joel takes the setting down and says it will lower the vibrations, as he starts again Anna panics and Joel says he can’t use any more pain medication as they have the maximum allowed, she says to wait as she feels her legs are warm and wet, she inquires if one of them is bleeding and they check and see that it is urine, Joel asks if Marshall can feel that he did that, Marshall says no and Joel starts to check Marshalls feet, he feels nothing but does at the knee, they discover that there is pressure on the spine so Joel is unable to use the saw and cut them apart. Jackson is wheeling Alex around trying to jog her memory with gossip on the doctors, talking about who is dating and who broke up, Jackson even made 50 bucks on the break up pool about Maggie and Gavin, as they go through the corridor they bump into Marisol who is agitated and wants to leave, she calls Dr Bell a blonde robot and Jackson says he will get someone to look over her, she seems angry because she wants to leave, Jackson then continues to take Alex on her tour.

Charlie is looking at the scans of Marshall and Anna, there is debris and the fact there are two people and they can’t see any broken bones or anything, Joel asks Charlie what they can do, Charlie just replies with the fact Joel knew better than him before, Joel replies with the truth that he said the solvent wouldn’t work and he was right, Charlie seems to be taking out his Alex issues on Joel and he is not happy (Joel was right and Charlie can’t take it and he even takes the mickey out of Joel’s accent which is a bit more of the Nob in Charlie) Joel sees Charlie is not thinking of the job when he is and says he will work this out with Dana. Maggie has gone back to see Carl and tell him what they found, he is grateful she is back as she left him hanging halfway through the news, she starts again saying they found something and he starts to worry about how long he has left to live, Maggie now starts laughing and doesn’t finish telling him what is wrong and again walks off, Gavin walks past Maggie who is again crying he asks if she is ok, her first response is about the fact she is completely failing in the ER today and after he says good luck with that she replies with the fact that the only person who can help her is the one person she doesn’t want to help her, she starts shouting at him and saying he needs to be down in the ER to help people and he replies with that is what I am here for, she then storms off and all he can say is You broke up with me (she really shouldn’t have)

Joel and Dana are letting Marshall and Anna know what they have to do, that they are going to operate and slowly peel the insulation of their skin, it will take some time, Anna panics and wants to be done first, Marshall wants her to be done first as well, but they have to do him first due to the spinal worry, she gets upset as she feels claustrophobic and Marshall calms her down, she takes his hand and starts to stroke it and he sees her do this but he doesn’t feel it, Joel checks to see if he can feel his other hand and he can’t, they have to operate on them straight away. Joel and Charlie walk into Dawns office, Joel states that they need to operate straight away, he asks why Charlie is involved and Dawn says that the progress so far isn’t good, Charlie states he is the senior surgeon and they should use his idea of going straight in and Joel says he is the better surgeon and they need to do his method of tilting the table so he has better access to Marshalls spine, Charlie retorts with Joel’s recently deceased patients would disagree, they square up to each other head on Charlie says do you want to take another go at me (I’m sorry Charlie but YOU started that not Joel and it is you who is starting it again, stop marking your territory out) Dawn seeing they are very boys in the playground, says that they need to put the measuring tape away as this is not about Alex, Charlie looks at Dawn and says it’s not about Alex and the squares back up to Joel, Joel then looks to dawn and smiles as he says it’s not about her. Dawn then decides that it is Charlie’s surgery and Joel says she is making a huge mistake and she replies with the fact she had to make a call and she made it, Joel slams the door as he leaves and Dawn lets out a breath of relief as that is over for now.

Maggie walks up to Zach and asks him to tell Carl what is wrong, she again seems to be laughing and he reluctantly takes it, they both stand by Carl and again Maggie is laughing so Zach sends her away and Zach talks to Carl, Zach tells the man that he has something lodged up his back side, Carl was worried he had cancer or something from the way Maggie was acting, so much so he had written his will and called for his brother to come in, but now he has the awkwardness of the object that is lodged, it is of the battery operated nature and may vibrate, he tries to deny it but Zach shows him the x-ray proving what is there (Zach has a straight face throughout this, he is so professional in an area some may not be). Jackson is still wheeling Alex around, he stops her, puts the brake on and is called away by another nurse, Alex sees her name on a board and gets up to look at it, (Ghost Ian is behind her) she falls as she is still weak and Charlie rushes to her aid, he sits her in the chair and asks to see her stitches, she says she is fine and she still wants her space (well you fell he was helping you sweetie, he didn’t do wrong this time), he looks concerned as he was only helping her. Charlie is about to operate on Marshall, Anna will be awake but Marshall will be asleep, he tells them to wish each other luck as they are like old friends now, Marshall says about what he said today and Anna says its ok, that it will all be ok as he goes to sleep ready for the operation.

Joel is in with Alex, he asks her what it is like to be a patient in this place, she says she hurts all over and people keep prodding her and that she is so tired that she can’t make it to the end of the hall, Joel says that she is not missing much, he also begins to try to help her, he suggests that he tell her 3 things about herself, 2 are true and 1 is less than true and if she gets it right he will write down on a piece of paper everything she needs to know about herself, she agrees to this game and he starts by telling her the 3 things, he says that they spent a night in quarantine to stop the spread of a disease, then he says about the fact they saw a cashier shot and she saved the woman’s life by transfusing her own blood into the woman (Alex doesn’t believe this) and then he says at medical school they entered a dance competition and came 3rd out of 100 people, Alex doesn’t believe the blood transfusion story as it sounds too ridiculous, he says she is wrong and the lie was the dance competition, they came 2nd to last, she says at least they beat one couple and Joel mentions he never said they were a couple, he writes down what she needs to know and takes it down to the lobby for her when she next takes a walk and as she sees him do this she mentions that they are not a couple now and she asks him if she likes him, he smiles and walks out.

Charlie is operating on Marshall, Anna asks if they are done yet and they ask if they can call her boyfriend so she has a familiar face when this is all over, she says that there is someone else, they ask who and she says they are operating on him, she said that he protected her when the explosion happened and they see that he’s a good guy, she says she is tired and Reycraft says it’s ok to close her eyes, as she does the alarms start going off and they say that Marshall looks ok so they check the leads and Reycraft sees that it is Her that is in trouble and not Marshall. Reycraft starts to check her vitals and he removes a cloth to see there is blood coming from Marshall, but they soon figure out it is from her, they are going to have to cut them free now or she could die and we see Charlie is not happy, but says they need to call Joel in to help. Both Charlie and Joel are sawing at different points to cut them free sooner and stop the risk of paralysing Marshall, as they chisel the last bit they log roll Marshall up and pull out Anna and find a bar sticking out from her shoulder, Reycraft calls for Maggie to help him in the other OR as they fix Anna, which leaves Charlie and Joel to work on Marshall, Charlie asks why Joel seems to be in a good mood and Joel says he popped to see Alex, to which you can see Charlie’s posture immediately changes, Joel says she still has the memory loss but her spirits are high and that is good, they then spy something sticking out of Marshall and Joel chisels it out and it’s an engagement ring. Alex is walking in the lobby, she goes up to the desk and asks for a note left for her, she sees Marisol who is signing papers for her release, but she isn’t feeling well, she mentions a pain in her neck and stops mid-sentence, she drops to the floor and Alex has flashes of her life come back and then jumps into action saying exactly what is wrong and calling for Dawn to be paged and help.

Maggie is in the doctors lounge, Dr Katz tells her it not just her hormones playing havoc it’s her emotions and she needs to feel what is going on and talks about a ritual where she needs to write down all the hopes and fears she had for the baby and life and read them out loud in front of a candle, it can be done alone or with someone, it’s up to her but it has worked for patients previously. Dawn is checking on Marisol and sends her down to where she can be helped and says she will be along any moment, she walks over and checks on Alex and says that others in the hospital could have done what she did, she could have pulled her stitches, Dawn checks her stitches as Alex says it was a reflex, Dawn says thank you and that it’s something she doesn’t say very often and Alex says she remembers her now, Dawn says Alex had them all worried and Alex says she has heard that a lot today and then thanks Dawn for saving her life. Charlie is checking on Anna she is awake and worried about Marshall, Charlie says that he will be fine and talks about why she said no to Marshalls proposal as Charlie hands her a box and she says she was scared and that she never really knew what scared was until the explosion and how things have changed since that moment, Charlie agrees and she says she will hand the box back to him herself. Charlie walks to see Alex and he see’s ghost Ian looking at her he steps in front of him and gestures for him to go to an empty room so they can talk, he closes the door and asks him what he wants, Ian says he needs to know she will be ok, Charlie says she is and will be, (Charlie sounds a little angry with him) but Ian says she isn’t ok and that Alex left something behind, Charlie asks what and turns to see Ian is gone.

Our slow music to close starts and Alex looks at the note Joel left her, she opens it and in Capital letters it says YOU ARE A DOCTOR and she smiles widely at that. Dawn is in the lift and Reycraft gets in, he mentions something about not having a girlfriend and dawn says you don’t, the lift doors close and she says that’s how she likes it and they kiss. Anna is looking at the ring in the box and is filled with emotion thinking about how she said no. Maggie is writing her hopes and fears down so she can have closure about her loss of child, she seals the envelope she places the list in and puts it in a beautiful box with a blanket, the ultrasound pics and a woollen monkey and smiles. Joel is walking to Alex and has balloons and a stuffed unicorn, he is smiling and as he reaches the room he sees Charlie leaning over Alex, he sees them talking and he leaves giving the balloons to random person (this is heart breaking as he is what she needed to help her and is what she needs) Charlie is talking to Alex about the fact when she was in a coma they were together and it was the most together they had been, the look on her face is not one of joy but a little of being overwhelmed by Charlie as he is there trying to be the only one she needs, she says she is tired and will talk more tomorrow he leans in and kisses her head, she looks un-moved by his kiss and he says he loves her, she just nods in reply.

So that was episode 3 of Season 3 we have seen an overbearing and protective Charlie who knows what he wants, then a moody yet charming Joel who did exactly what Alex needed, with no memory Alex seemed more at ease with Joel than Charlie. Maggie has had issues with her loss of child and has had a rough time coping on her own and she has pushed away those who help her with nasty comments, Dawn and Reycraft are a secret item and Alex got her memory back by doing what she does best because as Joel said she is a doctor! What will happen next time? Will Alex go back to Joel? Will her feelings for what she wants surface? How will Charlie be with her since she didn’t reply? How will Joel take seeing them together? Stay tuned for my next recap or watch Episode 4 for more of this amazing season of Saving Hope, I’ll be back soon and love to you all.

About author(s)


Howlingmadmo is British born and raised loved of TV and film, is big into Marvel and her Science fiction shows, was first brought into the fold by The X-Files and slowly built up a love for them all. Has been a convention goer for years and has loved making her own costumes, especially the weird ones like The one ring, a DHD and even a Stargate have been on the making table, is currently addicted to Daniel Gillies, The Originals and Saving Hope and can be seen hunting these out all over the internet. Your welcome to follow on Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr.